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Types of Membership:
Ordinary Members
require a Maori whakapapa AND to be either a registered pharmacist, a pharmacy technician, or a student enrolled in a course leading to either qualification.
Membership Applicaton Form
Associate Memberships
are for those individuals who either don't have a Maori whakapapa and/or don't qualify by virtue of their specific career training yet wish to support the aims and objectives of the Association. Associate Membership Application Form and Questionnaire.
Affiliate Membership
is for those groups or organisations who wish to work with the Association towards achieving our stated aims and objectives. We see this as a mutual relationship. What's in it for me?
Affiliate Membership Application Form and Questionnaire
Annual Membership Fees
- Ordinary Members - By way of a koha*
- Associate Members - $20
- Affiliate Members - By negotiation
* Koha - Those who qualify for Ordinary Membership, and wish to apply, may choose the amount of the offering they wish to make by way of their annual fee. As a guideline, the executive committee would prefer it to be of the folding variety but the purpose of the fee for Ordinary Members is simply to cover administration costs. Your individual koha is therefore a matter of how much you deem to be appropriate.
Method of Payment
By cheque, payable to Maori Pharmacists' Association
Please return this application with your payment, and a completed survey form as attached to:
Maori Pharmacists' Association
P O Box 42013 Acacia Bay Post Shop, TAUPO 3330
Enquiries: Ph 07 376 7149 or E-mail